Jonathan Domingo - Far Reaching Ministries

Aug 11, 2024    Jonathan Domingo

Pastor Jonathan is the director of operations in Latin America for Far Reaching Ministries. FRM is currently rescuing children victims of sex trafficking and organ harvesting from the Cartel in a Central American country. Previously, Jonathan served as the lead pastor at Horizonte in Mexico for 12 years.

In this profound exploration of Luke 5:1-11, we're challenged to go deeper in our faith journey. The story of Jesus and Peter's miraculous catch of fish isn't just about a historical event, but a spiritual illustration of our own walk with Christ. We're reminded that simply being around Jesus doesn't mean we truly know Him. It's in the deep waters - the challenges and storms of life - where we truly encounter God. This message encourages us to step out of our comfort zones, to trust Jesus even when our own efforts have failed. It's a powerful reminder that our failures can be the very ground where God's power is most evident, preparing us for His greater purpose. As we reflect on Peter's transformation, we're invited to consider: Are we willing to leave everything behind to follow Jesus more deeply?

Pastor Jonathan Domingo shares about Far Reaching Ministries' rescue missions in Sudan, Afghanistan, and Central America. He discusses the ministry's focus on spreading the message of the kingdom of God in countries plagued by corruption. The sermon concludes with a call to support missions like FRM, advocating for action and commitment to make a difference.