Romans 9:1-32 "What Shall We Say Then?"

Apr 7, 2024    Andy Falleur

In this thought-provoking message, Pastor Andy takes us deep into Paul's explanation of what God is doing with Israel in Romans 9.

This is a section of Scripture that has had a robust discussion among Christians for many centuries.

This message is longer than normal, as Pastor Andy shows the passages that the Apostle Paul is referring to. Understanding those passages is helpful in understanding what Paul is trying to communicate concisely to his original reader. Significant time is given to "I have loved Jacob, but I have hated Esau," the hardening of Pharaoh's heart, and the potter and clay in Jeremiah.

Pastor Andy then shows how Paul's summary matches the references and the argument he makes. He closes with a stirring call to consider carefully what you believe about these things.

to unravel the complex interplay between God's sovereignty and human agency. Delve into the rich theological insights presented by the apostle Paul as he addresses the rejection of Christ by the Israelites and the acceptance of the Gentiles. Through a close examination of key verses and their historical context, we explore the profound implications of God's choices and actions, shedding light on the timeless truths that continue to shape our understanding of divine providence. Whether you're well-versed in theological discourse or just beginning to explore these concepts, this exploration of Romans 9 offers valuable insights and perspectives to ponder. Don't miss this enlightening discussion on one of the most significant chapters in the New Testament. Subscribe now for more insightful content on faith, theology, and biblical studies.